What Does Country Music Do With Its Audience?

I’ve seen a LOT of praise for the ACMs and the inclusion, diversity, and overall exceptional presentation of an awards show. I, of course, did not partake because no one is paying me to anymore. I want to remind everyone of ONE thing… And this isn’t beating a dead horse’s mullet. He apologized. Despite the … Read more

“Transisters” by Jay Huling, presented by The Tennessee Stage Company

"Transisters" by Jay Huling

It’s a joy and an honour to be able to participate in the Tennessee Stage Company‘s New Play Festival 2021! The final show in the series is Jay Huling‘s “Transisters”, a play about a lovable down-on-his-luck everyman named Joke Cassidy (yours truly) , who has recently experienced some significant speedbumps in life and is willing … Read more